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Sitedeki kullanıcı sayısı: 39
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1) Soft computing technique for power control of Triga Mark-II reactor
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2) A fuzzy controller design for nuclear research reactors using the particle swarm optimization algorithm
Coban, Ramazan, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 241 (5), p.1899-1908

3) Computational intelligence-based trajectory scheduling for control of nuclear research reactors
Coban, Ramazan, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 52 (4), p.415-424

4) A trajectory tracking genetic fuzzy logic controller for nuclear research reactors
Coban, Ramazan / Can, Burhanettin, Energy Conversion and Management, 51 (3), p.587-593, Mar 2010

5) An expert trajectory design for control of nuclear research reactors
Coban, Ramazan / Can, Burhanettin, Expert Systems with Applications, 36 (9), p.11502-11508

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8) H. SAYGIN, A. ŞİŞMAN, T. BÜKE, “A Comparison Between the Results of Perturbation Theory and TRIGAP for the Reactivity Worth Calculations of Fuel Elements”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 25, p.1133-1140, (1998).

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14) Can,B,Baba,F., Erdal,H.,"ĠTÜ TRIGA Mark-II Reaktörü için Parçalı Yörünge Kullanılarak Gerçekleştirilen Optimal Kontrolör.", M.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Dergisi S:115 (1999)S:187-196.